Friday, February 11, 2011

My First Post...

...Comes on a day that I'm feeling a bit under the weather.  My kids have been pretty good, allowing me to start and finish a dress for a friend's daughter's first birthday celebration, and a tie tee for my nephew.  Pretty exciting stuff I know.  But I'm pretty proud of how they turned out...even after nearly throwing my sewing machine against the wall for disobeying.  I save that kind of frustration for inanimate objects, don't worry! 

Here is a picture of the dress I made.  This was the first time making a dress fully lined with muslin, and I'm pretty excited!

...and then the shirt for my nephew Ben...that is where I got frustrated.  The zigzag option on my machine does weird things to the bobbin tension.  **the bobbin is the small spool that holds the lower thread**
But finally, I got it to work and the tie took just as long as the dress did.  Ha! 

Here is the finished product

 We thought Ben would like his tie shirt to look like one of "daddy's" so I only attached the tie to the shirt at the "knot" so you could see the back of the finished tie, just like a grown ups!

 I did the tie with a felt heart sewn in for Valentine's day. 

Like I said, its a good thing my kids were good today...

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